Sustaining our NHS

We want the NHS to succeed and deliver the best possible results for patients. I believe in reforming the NHS to make it less bureaucratic, more accountable, and more integrated, while investing £6.6 billion more to secure its future. I’m delighted that the Conservative Government chose Leeds to benefit from the £3.7bn extra investment in hospital buildings, specifically for the centralisation of children and adult services at LGI, with pathology services at St. James University Hospital. This is set to improve health outcomes in the city and beyond. I’ve worked across the healthcare sector, as a Director for Women and Children’s Health, in policy and for small healthcare businesses. My professional life is centred on improving health outcomes, especially for children in some of the most deprived areas of the country.  I’ve also been on the receiving end of NHS care as an inpatient and outpatient and can vouch for the professionalism and dedication of our health professionals.


Boosting Innovation in Leeds